Nature-inspired CRISPR

Never Stop Looking Into Nature

September 27, 2021

Never Stop Looking into Nature.

CRISPR technology, the best genetic editing tool known to humankind. A lot of people did not realise that it was "discovered", instead of "invented".

The Nobel Prize goes to prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria and archaea, which have a naturally occurring genome editing system for billions of years in their genome.

It was found by humans in the less than a few decades, and then realised it's a wonderful and versatile tool for gene editing, these humans named it CRISPR, an acronym for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats.

Fast forward to 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna from UC Berkeley won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing this technology to be easily used in other organisms, including humans, which is crowned as "the greatest discovery of the 21st century".

This story tells me that nature has always included all the answers we ever need, all we need to do is stop by and appreciate it. This is always why Pure Sciences are extremely important, such as Zoology, Microbiology, Chemistry and Mathematics, though not as mainstreamed as Applied Sciences like Biotechnology and Engineering, Pure Sciences lay the foundation of the “good” science we can apply to our society.

Nature inspires creativity and innovation. Never stop looking into nature.